11.3.2020 08:30

Hotelli Lasaretti

About Virtual Reality Nordic 2020 event

Virtual Reality Nordic 2020 brings together the latest innovations, leading-edge technology, and the most influential speakers to inspire us all. This one-day event is packed with real-life business cases, networking and workshops, all dedicated to VR. This is also a unique opportunity to discuss with companies developing VR solutions.

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Event time

Starts:   11.3.2020 08:30
Ends:   11.3.2020 17:30

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Event location

Hotelli Lasaretti

Kasarmintie 13b, 90130 Oulu
90130 Oulu

View larger map and directions


Mekiwi OY


Mekiwi OY, Isokatu 56, 90100, Oulu, Finland

Privacy policy 

Virtual Reality Nordic is an event and label owned by MeKiwi oy. This privacy policy will explain how Mekiwi oy uses the personal data we collect from you in the Virtual Reality Nordic event registration, in compliance of Data Protection Act 1050/2018 and European Union General  Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Effective date: 15th of November 2019


1. Registrar

MeKiwi oy, Isokatu 56, 90100 Oulu (2602442-2) 


3. Registrar contact person

Samuel Kuosmanen, samuel.kuosmanen@mekiwi.org, +358 44-545 2020

3. Registry name

Osallistujarekisteri (“Registry of participants”)

4. Legal basis and purpose of the registry

EU General Data Protection Regulation provides legal basis for the processing of the personal data on the basis of

Documented consent by the registrant.

Reasonable necessity to provide the service (the event).

The purpose of the processing of the personal data is to communicate with the customer, sustain customer relations, marketing, and confirming the entry privilege during the event.

5. Data content of the registry

MeKiwi oy collects the following data:

Personal information  (Name, email address, phone number, company/organization, special diet)

6. Collection of the data

The data in the registry is collected from the registrant when they voluntarily provide the data in web form messages, emails, telephone, social media, contracts, customer meetings and other situations where the registrant may voluntarily provide the data.

7. Transferring the data to a country outside of the EU or ETA

The data is not regularly transferred to other organizations. The data can only be published in those parts as explicitly agreed upon with the registrant. The data can be transferred to a country outside of the EU or ETA by the registrar. 


8. Principles of protecting the personal data

We take precautions to protect your information. Wherever we collect sensitive information, that information is encrypted and transmitted to us in a secure way. You can verify this by looking for a closed lock icon at the bottom of your web browser, or looking for “https” at the beginning of the address of the web page.

Your information is protected both online and offline. We use technical and organizational measures to protect personal data and identification information against unauthorized access, transfer, deletion and other handling that may compromise security. Such methods include the use of firewalls, encryption technologies and safe server rooms, proper access control systems, the controlled provision of user rights and supervision of their use, providing instructions for data processors, and the thorough selection of competent subcontractors who comply with industry standards for information security management.

Only appointed personnel of MeKiwi and of companies operating on behalf of MeKiwi are entitled to use personal data and identification information. All persons processing the personal data and identification information have a personal right of use granted by Mekiwi.

9. The right to access and rectify information

You  have the right to request MeKiwi for copies of your personal data and request that MeKiwi correct  any information you believe is inaccurate. You also have the right to add missing data into the registry. The request must be sent to the registrar in written format. The registrar may ask the registrant to provide a proof of identity along with the request. The registrar will reply the registrant within the timeframe required by EU GDPR (normally within one month).


10. Other rights concerning the personal data processing

The registrant has the right to request MeKiwi erase their personal data from the registry (“the right to be forgotten”). The registrant also has all the right provided by EU General Data Protection Regulation. Requests must be sent to the registrar in written format. The registrar may ask the registrant to provide a proof of identity along with the request. The registrar will reply the registrant within the timeframe required by EU GDPR (normally within one month).